Welcome to
This page is dedicated to those witnessing the eternal in nature, art and each other. Realizing we are inside the splendor of a Godly creation, part of its essence and responsible for its care.
Understanding the God that created this movie, wrote it before it was made. He gave us the screenplay with all of the lessons. Thus finding comfort in the notion it is already complete and done perfectly
We are simply here to recognize the signposts as we pass them on the way to be greeted by each other in the lobby of another dimension.
Our present is God's past. We are loved. He is ever present.
We are fortunate to be cast members in this cinema of the divine.
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What Gives You The Right?
After creating over 400 television commercials, Infomercials, TV Shows 5 books and 13 screenplays I understand the power of story and the rarity of thinking and creativity.
Everything you believe is story based.
This is a place to hear and participate in a realm of thinking and stories that may be useful for the way you see the world.
Or not.